Journal Article
Encouraging micro-enterprises to prepare for disastersWorldwide, enterprises are affected by disasters such as cyclones and floods. Despite these negative impacts, many do not prepare for future disasters. Research on pro-environmental behavior suggests that changing the factors influencing people’s...
Working Paper
The gendered effects of climate shocks on labour and welfare in ZambiaThis paper exploits several waves of two major nationwide representative surveys to document the impacts of climate shocks on individuals and households in Zambia. We merge these datasets with historical precipitation and temperature data at the...
Journal Article
Clientelist politics and development – EditorialPart of Journal Special Issue Clientelist Politics and Development
2025 – No time to waste on debt and developmentAn increasing number of Global South countries are now diverting growth and development spending to pay off insurmountable levels of external debts...
Working Paper
Carbon pricing and taxationNowadays, all policy makers must engage with direct and indirect carbon pricing issues. However, the implications of different types of tools and methods to price carbon and support decarbonization deserve further attention in view of their...
Research Brief
A decade of growing inequality in MozambiqueWorking Paper
Work permits for refugees as social protection during polycrisesThis paper studies the social protection of refugees during a pandemic. A pandemic adds to the many existing challenges refugees face, creating a dangerous polycrisis. Drawing on detailed household-level data collected by the United Nations High...
Is the Paris Agreement dead? Report back from COP29 in BakuCOP29, which just concluded, gathered country delegations, observers, businesses, and NGOs for several rounds of heated negotiations and discussions...
Technical Note
Toolkit for the estimation of tax gaps using a bottom-up approachThis technical note relates to the tax gap toolkit, which includes code (Stata do files) and a README file (how to run the code). The note describes the literature and methodology behind the development of the toolkit. The tax gap toolkit is related...
Working Paper
Economic impacts of electricity supply shortages in South AfricaThis study examines the sectoral impacts of electricity supply shortages in South Africa, using the cost share information available from the 2015 social accounting matrix. A simulation conducted under each of two technological assumptions, Cobb...
CoP on Gender & Tax Explores Gendered fiscal incidence analysis and tax-benefit microsimulation modelsAt the last meeting of the Community of Practice on Gender and Tax (CoPGT), held on 10th September 2024, the conversation focused on microsimulation...
Working Paper
Is a move up the job ladder an escape from poverty?Using panels of labour force surveys from Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and India and a recent work status classification, we provide an in-depth analysis of labour mobility up or down the job ladder. This classification allows us to observe...
Improving tax administration and data access – contributions to the Financing for Development Elements paperThe 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) in Seville, Spain, will convene in 2025, providing a global stage for countries...
Working Paper
Distributional impacts of global food price shocks in South AfricaThe world has faced an increasing number of global shocks that have resulted in large and unpredictable changes in global prices, particularly of food. These increases, coupled with the negative impacts of shocks to economic growth, have had damaging...
Working Paper
Can social assistance reduce violent conflict and civil unrest?We assess how one of the largest public works programmes in the world—Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP)—affected violent conflict and civil unrest. Using difference-in-differences methods and linking administrative and geocoded...
Working Paper
The firm-wage gender gap and formal sector churn over the life cycleWe find that women sorting into lower wage firms explains nearly half of the gender wage gap in South Africa, using matched employer-employee panel data covering the universe of formal sector workers. Sorting varies considerably over the life cycle...
Working Paper
Gendered effects of climate and conflict shocks on food security in Sudan and the mitigating role of social protectionClimate change and violent conflict are defining challenges of our time. However, it is not yet understood how they interact in shaping human welfare and food security, how their interaction shapes gendered outcomes, or how social protection systems...
The 4th International Conference on Financing for Development: What is on the agenda in 2025?The forthcoming UN Conference on Financing for Development, set for mid-2025, continues a great sequence started in Monterrey in 2002, followed up in...
Working Paper
Securing food, building livelihoods?We assess the impact of a large-scale social protection intervention, Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP), over a 15-year period. We find that the PSNP had a positive impact on food security but inconsistent impacts on assets. There...
South Africa’s new retirement savings system: will it reshape financial security?Launched on 1 September 2024, South Africa's two-pot retirement system is designed to offer greater flexibility in managing retirement savings. This...
Working Paper
Climate shocks and economic resilienceLow-income countries face the combined challenges of climate shocks and limited domestic revenue mobilization, yet these issues are rarely studied together. This paper provides new evidence on the impact of climate shocks on firm performance and tax...